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The Conners Continuous Performance Tests Online Suite (Conners CPT Online Suite)

The Conners Continuous Performance Tests Online Suite (Conners CPT Online Suite)

Consists of three tests that assess attention–related problems:

  • Conners Continuous Performance Test™ 3rd Edition Online (Conners CPT™ 3 Online) 
  • Conners Continuous Auditory Test of Attention® Online (Conners CATA® Online)
  • Conners Kiddie Continuous Performance Test™ 2nd Edition Online (Conners K–CPT™ 2 Online)

The updated version of these assessments transforms them from stand–alone software versions to web applications that can be accessed on multiple computers while maintaining their psychometric properties and test paradigms. The Conners CPT Online Suite allows you to administer, score, and generate a report from anywhere with an internet connection.


Key Features

Broad Age Range – Comprehensive assessment of attention deficits for ages 4–7 years (Conners K–CPT 2 Online) and ages 8 years and older (Conners CPT 3 Online and Conners CATA Online).

Key Areas Measured for Conners CPT 3 Online and K–CPT 2 Online – Specific information about the type of attention deficits, including Inattentiveness, Impulsivity, Sustained Attention, and Vigilance.

Key Areas Measured for Conners CATA Online – Specific information about the type of attention deficits, including Inattentiveness, Impulsivity, Sustained Attention, Auditory Laterality, and Auditory Mobility).

Large, demographically representative normative samples

Reliable and valid assessment of attention deficits

Easier Administration – Digital Access and easy client set–up, administration, and customizable reports on the MHS Online Assessment Center+ (MAC+).

Computer–generated reports that describe the respondent’s performance in detail.


There are two report types available for measures within the Conners CPT Online Suite: 

  • The Assessment Report provides detailed results from a single administration. An individual’s scores are compared to those in the normative sample, and elevations at the scale and subscale level are indicated.
  •  The Progress Report provides an overview of change over time by combining and comparing results between two to four administrations. These reports are ideal to use when monitoring treatment and intervention effectiveness.

There is also the option to generate a Dataset, which provides a spreadsheet of responses and scores from a single test administration and can facilitate further statistical analyses.


Reliability, Validity and Fairness

For more information on the reliability and validity of

The Conners CPT 3 Online, please refer to the product brochure.

The Conners CATA Online, please refer to the product brochure.

The Conners K–CPT 2 Online, please refer to the product brochure.

Normative Data

Conners CPT 3 Online:

The normative sample consists of 1,400 cases and is representative of the United States (U.S.) population in terms of key demographic variables such as gender, race, geographical region, and parental education level.

Conners CATA Online:

The normative sample consists of 1,080 cases and is representative of the U.S. population in terms of key demographic variables such as gender, race/ethnicity, geographical region, and (parental) education level.

Conners K–CPT 2 Online:

The Conners K–CPT 2 Online development was based on a normative sample of 320 4–7–year–old children. The normative sample was stratified to match the U.S. population regarding key demographic variables such as gender, age, region, race/ethnicity, and parental education level. An additional clinical sample of over 100 cases of children diagnosed with ADHD and other clinical disorders was also collected.

How to Use

Conners CPT 3 Online:

During the 14–minute, 360–trial administration, respondents are required to respond when any letter, except “X,” appears. There are six blocks (sets of trials), with three sub–blocks, each consisting of 20 trials. Responses from the 14–minute, 360–trial protocol are used to compute scores that assess various aspects of the respondent’s attention.

Conners CATA Online:

During the 14–minute, 200–trial administration, respondents are presented with high–tone sounds either preceded by a low–tone warning sound (warned trials) or played alone (unwarned trials). Respondents are instructed to respond only to high–tone sounds on warned trials and to ignore those on unwarned trials. In most trials, the low–tone and the high–tone sounds are played in the same ear (non–switch trials). On switch trials, the low–tone warning and high–tone target sounds are played in different ears, requiring the respondent to shift auditory attention from one ear to the other. 

Conners K–CPT 2 Online:

The performance–based assessment uses pictures of objects (e.g., boats, soccer balls, trains) familiar to young children. The child is asked to respond to targets (all objects except the soccer ball) and refrain from responding to non–targets (the soccer ball) on the computer screen. The Conners K–CPT 2 Online uses two Inter–Stimulus Intervals (ISIs) of 1.5 or 3 seconds to prevent the practice effects that can occur as respondents learn to predict and prepare for stimuli. Each Conners K–CPT 2 Online administration includes five blocks, each containing a 20–trial sub–block of 1.5–second ISIs and a 20–trial sub–block of 3–second ISIs (200–trial total).



What are the key features of the products within the Conners CPT Online Suite?

  • Comprehensive assessment of attention deficits for ages 4–7 years (Conners Kiddie Continuous Performance TestTM 2nd Edition Online, Conners K–CPTTM 2 Online) and ages 8 years and older (Conners Continuous Performance TestTM 3rd Edition Online, Conners CPTTM 3 Online, and Conners Continuous Auditory Test of Attention® Online, Conners CATA® Online).
  • Specific information about the type of attention deficits, including Inattentiveness, Impulsivity, Sustained Attention, and Vigilance (Vigilance is not available on the Conners CATA Online; however, the Conners CATA Online includes information about auditory processing, including laterality and mobility).
  • Large, demographically representative normative samples.
  • Reliable and valid assessment of attention deficits.
  • Computer–generated reports that describe the respondent’s performance in detail.
  • Digital Access and easy client set–up, administration, and customizable reports on the MHS Online Assessment Center+ (MAC+).

How do I access these measures online?

  • Upon the launch of the Conners CPT 3 Online, Conners CATA Online, and Conners K–CPT 2 Online, you will be able to access the measures through the MAC+, which lets you administer, score, and generate reports with a click of a button.
  • Begin your digital assessment by purchasing inventory from Brainworx. Your MAC+ account will be automatically activated upon purchase, if you don’t already have one.

What is new or different with the Conners CPT Online Suite compared to the Software (USB) version of the measures?

  • The updated versions of these measures transform them from standalone software to web applications that can be accessed on multiple computers, while maintaining the original psychometric properties and test paradigms.
  • The Conners CPT Online Suite helps you access the measure, administer, score, and generate a report from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • You no longer have to worry about hardware that needs replacing, sharing login credentials and devices, or traveling to access shared USB keys.

Can the Conners CPT Online Suite be accessed on macOS?

  • The Conners CPT Online Suite is supported on the MAC+ which works with macOS. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers to access the online portal. 

For the most up–to–date information, please visit

Can I use a touchscreen device for administration?

  • The Conners CPT Online Suite measures must be administered on a desktop or laptop. Touchscreen devices must not be used as the normative data will not apply to touchscreen administration.
  • Respondents may use either the space bar on the keyboard or a wired computer mouse to respond during the administration. Wired input devices are required to avoid potential issues with low batteries.

What is the average administration time of the measures?

  • Administration time is 14 minutes for both the Conners CPT 3 Online and Conners CATA Online and 7.5 minutes for the Conners K–CPT 2 Online.

Do I need an internet connection to administer the measures?

  • You will need a stable internet connection to load the test, but the responses are collected locally, and you do not need the internet connection to persist throughout the administration.
  • Once the administration is completed, you will need an internet connection to save your responses, score, and generate reports.

Is there an option for remote administration?

  • There is no option for remote administration of the measures in the Conners CPT Online Suite. MAC+ allows only Local Administration, and email invitations cannot be sent for administration.
  • Measures from the Conners CPT Online Suite should ideally be administered on an individual basis in a formal testing or assessment environment. The assessment must be completed in person in a quiet location without distraction and must be supervised.

What reports are available?

There are two report types available for measures within the Conners CPT Online Suite:

  • The Assessment Report, which provides detailed results from a single administration. An individual’s scores are compared to those in the normative sample and elevations at the scale and subscale level are indicated.
  • The Progress Report, which provides an overview of change over time by combining and comparing results between two to four administrations. These reports are ideal to use when monitoring treatment and intervention effectiveness.

The Dataset, which provides a spreadsheet of responses and scores from a single test administration and can facilitate further statistical analyses.

What formats are the reports available in?

  • Assessment Report: Word and PDF
  • Progress Report: PDF
  • Dataset:

How can the Progress Report be useful to me?

  • Results from the measures in the Conners CPT Online Suite can provide information about the effectiveness of a particular intervention or treatment program.
  • The Progress Report provides information about significant changes in attention problems over time by collecting results at several points during an intervention to evaluate its effect and guide decisions about continuing the existing program or implementing a new one.

How can the Dataset be useful to me?

  • The Dataset is valuable for data analysis within research settings or program evaluation contexts. Results can be downloaded for all clients in CSV format.
  • Each test of the Conners CPT Online Suite comes with a comprehensive Dataset, offering Raw scores, T–scores, Confidence Intervals and Percentiles for the specific variables of each test. Additionally, the Dataset provides detailed information about the stimuli presented in each trial and the corresponding reaction time for each trial.

How can I generate a Progress Report on the MAC+ portal?

  • On MAC+, navigate to the Generate Reports section.
  • Under the Select a report type dropdown, choose Progress Report.
  • Select a client’s assessment record to generate the report.
  • Click Next to select additional assessment records to include in this report.


Do products within the Conners CPT Online Suite offer unlimited uses, or is there a cost associated with the new reports?

  • The products within the Conners CPT Online Suite do not offer unlimited uses. You will have to purchase inventory for Conners CPT 3 Online, Conners CATA Online, and Conners K–CPT 2 Online to score and generate the reports online.
  • The Assessment Reports will consume a USE the first time it is generated. Once you have generated a report for an individual, you will not be charged for regenerating the same report with different parameters.
  • The Progress Report and Datasets do not consume a use and can be accessed for free. For an assessment to be included in the Progress Report or Dataset, the assessment must have a report status of Generated. If the status of the Assessment Report says Completed but has not yet been generated, you must generate an Assessment Report before including the assessment in the Progress Report or Dataset.

Will MHS continue to support the USB software?

MHS will continue to replace USBs and offer support until December 30, 2025. After that date, the USBs will be retired and will not be supported/replaced in case of any issues. We will not be able to support any new USB registration, activations, or transfer to a new device after this date.

I have the software (USB) version of this product that provides unlimited usage. Do I have to immediately start using the MAC+ to access the measures?

If you are already using the software (USB) version of these products, you have the option to continue using it. These programs will continue to operate, and you may choose to continue using them.

However, we will end all support for the software (USB) version of the products on December 30, 2025, which includes registration, activation, deactivation of the program, migration of software, and replacing USBs. We recommend that you move to the Online version before that date. The software version of the Conners CPT Suite was launched in 2014. We have continued to invest and maintain the software. However, this is no longer feasible given the legacy technical foundations of the software and the evolution of devices.

I have unlimited uses with the Software USB. Does that mean I will have unlimited uses on the MAC+ as well?

No. The online version of the measures offers a use–based model. Unlike the USB software, for the new Conners CPT Online Suite, you can purchase inventory based on your individual/organization requirements.


What other measures can I use in my battery?

The results from the Conners CPT 3 Online can complement information obtained from standardized behavior rating scales, such as the Conners 4th EditionTM (Conners 4®) and the Conners Adult ADHD Rating ScalesTM 2nd Edition (CAARSTM 2).

Which other Conners assessments will be revised?

  • The Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales™ (Conners CBRS®) and the Conners Early Childhood™ (Conners EC™) are being revised.
  • Both assessments will have similar updates regarding modern normative samples and reports.


I am new to using MHS tools online and want to purchase products from the Conners CPT Online Suite. How do I go about setting up my account?

  • Visit the product’s Storefront Page to purchase Uses for Conners CPT 3 Online, Conners CATA Online, or the Conners K–CPT 2 Online.
  • While purchasing inventory online, create your MAC+ account at checkout using the email address you want associated with your new account.
  • Once your purchase is complete, your MAC+ account will be created. Please note, this process takes between 1–2 business days to complete.
  • When your account is created, you will receive an email from Please double–check your spam folder if you haven’t received this email within the above–mentioned timeframe.

Do you provide training for the products within the Conners CPT Online Suite?

  • You can refer to the manual and onboarding resources to familiarize yourself with each measure and its changes.
  • If you are looking for a facilitated session for your team/organization, please contact our Customer Service team and we will be happy to assist.

Do I need to purchase a manual for the measures?

  • A digital manual is included with purchases of Conners CPT 3 Online, Conners CATA Online, or the Conners K–CPT 2 Online Uses.
  • All users will get access to the manual via MAC+. You can also print sections of the manual for easy reference.

Interested in how the MAC+ works please click the link below to access the MAC+ video tutorial

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