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REEL–4 Receptive–Expressive Emergent Language Test 4th Ed

Helps to identify infants and toddlers who have language impairments or who have other disabilities that affect language development

  • Publisher
  • Age range
    0 to 36 mths
  • Qualification Level
  • Administration Time
    20 mins

Full Product Description

The Receptive–Expressive Emergent Language Test–Fourth Edition (REEL–4) was designed to help you identify infants and toddlers who have language impairments or who have other disabilities that affect language development. It is especially useful as an assessment and planning instrument in Early Childhood Intervention programs mandated under P.L. 99–457. The REEL–4 has two subtests that make up the Language Ability composite, Receptive Language and Expressive Language, as well as a supplementary Vocabulary Inventory test, composed of the Nouns and Expanded subtests. Results are obtained from a caregiver interview.

The REEL–4 is based on a contemporary linguistic model. It includes current studies related to normative base, reliability, and validity. The normative sample includes 1,019 infants and toddlers from around the nation. The demographic characteristics of the sample were matched to U.S. child population for the year 2019 reported in ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States 2018. The normative sample was stratified to on the basis of gender, race, Hispanic status, and geographic region. Standard scores, percentile ranks, and age equivalents are provided.

The average reliability coefficients for all test scores are high (exceeding .90). Test–retest studies show the REEL–4 is stable over time.

Studies of the test’s diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity, specificity, and ROC/AUC statistics) support its use for differentiating children with language impairment, low–functioning autism, and developmental delay from children with no exceptionalities. Validity data are reported as well, documenting the test’s relationship to the Developmental Assessment of Young Children–Second Edition, Preschool Language Scales–Fifth Edition, Receptive–Expressive Emergent Language Test–Third Edition, and Test of Early Communication and Emerging Language.



REEL-4 Receptive-Expressive Emergent Language Test 4th Ed Kit

CODE: 14880

Examiner’s Manual, 25 Examiner Record Booklets, and 25 Vocabulary Inventory Forms each for Forms A and B

€229.88 Excl.VAT


REEL-4 Vocabulary Inventory Form B 25pk

CODE: 14884

€32.05 Excl.VAT

REEL-4 Vocabulary Inventory Form A 25pk

CODE: 14883

€32.05 Excl.VAT

REEL-4 Examiner Record Booklets 25pk

CODE: 14882

€71.84 Excl.VAT

REEL-4 Examiner's Manual

CODE: 14881

€92.84 Excl.VAT

Pro Ed Qualifications Policy

QUALIFICATION LEVEL A: There are no special qualifications to purchase these products.
QUALIFICATION LEVEL B: Tests may be purchased by individuals with:

  • A master’s degree in psychology, education, occupational therapy, social work, counselling, or in a field closely related to the intended use of the assessment, and formal training in the ethical administration, scoring, and interpretation of clinical assessments. 
  • OR A degree or license to practice in the healthcare or allied healthcare field. 
  • OR Formal, supervised mental health, speech/language, occupational therapy, social work, counselling, and/or educational training specific to assessing children, or in infant and child development, and formal training in the ethical administration, scoring, and interpretation of clinical assessments. 


Tests with a C qualification require a high level of expertise in test interpretation, and can be purchased by individuals with: 

  • A doctorate degree in psychology, education, or closely related field with formal training in the ethical administration, scoring, and interpretation of clinical assessments related to the intended use of the assessment.
  • OR Licensure or certification to practice in your state in a field related to the purchase.

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