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Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fifth UK Edition (WISC V)

Measures a child’s intellectual ability and 5 cognitive domains that impact performance.

  • Publisher
  • Age range
    6.0 to 16.11
  • Qualification Level
  • Administration Time

Full Product Description

The WISC–V UK gives school psychologists, clinical psychologists and neuropsychologists flexibility and interpretive power to get a broader view of a child’s cognitive abilities.


  • More efficient and user–friendly
  • The WISC–VUK increases construct coverage without increasing testing time. So, you get a more efficient, developmentally appropriate measure – and still have time to assess other domains of interest
  • Efficiently produce all primary index scores
  • Significantly reduced testing time to obtain the FSIQ
  • Simplified instructions with reduced vocabulary level, shorter discontinue rules, and refined scoring criteria
  • Five primary index scores, the FSIQ as well as three of the five ancillary index scores can be obtained through the ten primary subtests
  • More interpretive power
  • WISC–V UK provides statistical links to the WIAT III, to support more flexible evaluation of specific learning disabilities and two major approaches to specific learning disability identification: pattern of strengths and weaknesses analyses and ability–achievement discrepancy analyses
  • Expanded score analysis approach highlights index– and subtest–level strength and weaknesses analyses
  • Separate visual spatial and fluid reasoning composite scores results in greater interpretive clarity
  • Selection of process scores has been greatly expanded to enhance the depth of interpretation and understanding of performance

Updated psychometric properties

  • Updated normative sample standardised on UK children aged 6:0–16:11
  • Normative sample stratified to match current UK census data based on gender, ethnicity, parent education level, and geographic region for each age group
  • Strong subtest floors and ceilings facilitate accurate measurement at the extremes of cognitive ability
  • Comparable or improved reliability for subtest and composite scores

Updated studies

  • Updated special group studies
  • Updated validity studies with other measures including WISC–IV, WPPSI–IV, WAIS–IV, WIAT–III, KTEA–3, Vineland–II, and BASC–2

WISC®–V UK and WIAT®–III UK – Working together for a fuller picture

A linking sample comprising the WIAT®–III UK and WISC®–V UK has been collected, allowing you to conduct an Ability–Achievement Discrepancy Analysis with full confidence in the results.

Additional Benefits

  • Increases construct coverage without increasing testing time.
  • Efficiently produce all primary index scores
  • Significantly reduced testing time to obtain the FSIQ
  • Simplified instructions with reduced vocabulary level, shorter discontinue rules, and refined scoring criteria

Additional Features

Three new primary subtests extend the content coverage of the WISC®–V UK and increase its practical application.

  • Visual Puzzles is a new Visual Spatial subtest that measures the ability to analyse and synthesise information
  • Figure Weights is a new Fluid Reasoning subtest that measures quantitative reasoning and induction
  • Picture Span is a new Working Memory subtest that measures visual working memory

Score Reports

  • Automatically converts total raw scores to subtest scaled scores
  • Automatically converts sums of scaled scores to composites scores, including the FSIQ and numerous index scores
  • Performs score comparisons at the index and subtest levels
  • Generates score reports with tables and graphs.

Interpretive Reports

In addition to the full scoring information available in the WISC–V UK Score Report, the WISC–V UK Interpretive Report includes narrative interpretation of scores, including:

  • Narrative summary of the child’s background, history, and test behaviors
  • Interpretation of the Full Scale IQ and all primary, ancillary and complementary index scores
  • Integration of the reason for referral in test score interpretation
  • Recommendations based on WISC–V UK performance
  • Optional Parent Summary Report.


Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fifth UK Edition Complete Kit (Soft bag) WISC V

CODE: 9780749171780

UK Examiner's Manual, US Technical Manual, Stimulus Book 1 and 2, 25 Record Forms, 25 Response Booklets 1, 25 Response Booklets 2, Symbol Search Scoring Key, Cancellation Template, Coding Scoring Key, Block Design Set, black pencil, red pencil and a bag.

€1976.86 Excl.VAT


WISC-V UK Record Forms 25pk

CODE: 9780749171643

€175.91 Excl.VAT

WISC-V UK Response Booklet 1 25pk

CODE: 9780749171605

€134.70 Excl.VAT

WISC-V UK Response Booklet 2 25pk

CODE: 9780749171629

€117.24 Excl.VAT

WISC-V UK Cancellation Scoring Template

CODE: 9780749171582

€44.90 Excl.VAT

WISC-V UK Manual

CODE: 9780749167561

€404.09 Excl.VAT

WISC-V US Technical and Interprestive Manual

CODE: 9780158978482

€381.64 Excl.VAT

WISC-V UK Coding Scoring Key

CODE: 9780749171568

€44.90 Excl.VAT

WISC-V UK Stimulus Book 1

CODE: 9780749171612

€264.40 Excl.VAT

WISC-V UK Stimulus Book 2

CODE: 9780749171636

€264.40 Excl.VAT

WISC-V UK Symbol Search Scoring Key

CODE: 9780749171599

€51.19 Excl.VAT

Pearson Product qualification levels

Qualification Level A
(Prior to November 2021, this was known as Qualification Level CL3)

There are no special qualifications to purchase these products.

Qualification Level B
(Prior to November 2021, these levels were combined and known as Qualification Level CL2/CL2R)

Tests may be purchased by individuals with:

A master’s degree in psychology, education, speech language therapy, occupational therapy, social work, counselling, or in a field closely related to the intended use of the assessment, and formal training in the ethical administration, scoring, and interpretation of clinical assessments.


Certification by or full active membership in a professional organisation (such as RCOT, RCSLT, BMA, RCN, RCPsych, SASC) that requires training and experience in the relevant area of assessment.


A degree or licence to practice in the healthcare or allied healthcare field.


Formal, supervised mental health, speech/language, occupational therapy, social work, counselling, and/or educational training specific to assessing children, or in infant and child development, and formal training in the ethical administration, scoring, and interpretation of clinical assessments.


Work for an accredited institution

Qualification Level C
(Prior to November 2021, this was known as Qualification Level CL1)

Tests with a C qualification require a high–level of expertise in test interpretation, and can be purchased by individuals with:

A doctorate degree in psychology, education, or a closely related field with formal training in the ethical administration, scoring, and interpretation of clinical assessments related to the intended use of the assessment.


Licensure or certification to practice in a field related to the purchase.


Certification by or full active membership in a professional organisation (such as BPS, ACP–UK, AEP, BNS) that requires training and experience in the relevant area of assessment.

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