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Wechsler Memory Scale - 4th UK Ed (WMS-IV)

An individually administered assessment of memory and working memory

  • Publisher
  • Age range
    16yrs to 90yrs 11months
  • Qualification Level
  • Administration Time

Full Product Description

The Wechsler Memory Scale – Fourth UK Edition (WMS–IVUK) is an individually administered assessment of memory and working memory in individuals ages 16–90.

The WMS–IVUK also contains a brief evaluation of cognitive status.

  • Benefits
  • The WMS–IVUK can be used to provide relevant information for:
  • General clinical and neuropsychological evaluations
  • Rehabilitation evaluations
  • Clinical research
  • Expanded Clinical utility
    • Improved floors across subtests
    • Included a general cognitive screening tool
    • Enhanced assessment of visual memory
    • Co–normed with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale®–IV UK
  • Enhanced User Friendliness
    • Included a brief older adult battery
    • Reduced subtest administration time
    • Minimised visual motor demands
    • Assessed working memory
    • Modified story content and administration process
  • Improved Psychometric Properties
    • Updated norms
    • Improved floors
    • Improved subtest and composite reliability
    • Reduced item bias


  • The WMS–IVUK contains two batteries
    • An adult battery for individuals aged 16–69, and
    • A shorter Older Adult battery for use with individuals aged 65–90
  • This shorter battery was developed to decrease testing time, reduce examinee fatigue, and improve the psychometric functioning of the subtests in older adult
  • The WMS–IVUK has been co–normed with the WAIS–IVUK to make realistic comparisons between performance on the two instruments and provides more complete information on memory function

New subtests:

The WMS–IV UK has had significant changes to the overall test structure. Based on feedback from customers, we are introducing four new subtests and modifying three existing subtests.

  • Spatial Addition
  • Symbol Span
  • Design Memory
  • General Cognitive Screener

Spatial Addition

Based on “N–Back Paradigm”, Spatial Addition requires minimal motor function as the client must:

  • Remember location of dots on two separate pages
  • Add or subtract locations
  • Hold and manipulate visual spatial information


Symbol Span

A “Visual analog to Digit Span”, clients are asked to remember the design and the left to right sequence of the design. The clients are then asked to select the correct design from foils and choose them in the correct sequence.


Design Memory

Containing four items of increasing difficulty, Design Memory evaluates immediate and delayed recall as well as delayed recognition. It does not include drawing and reduces the opportunity to guess the correct response. You can obtain scores for spatial, details, and correct content in the correct location as well as contrast scores for spatial versus detail, immediate versus delayed, and recognition versus delayed.


Cognitive Screener

This new screener can be used to quickly evaluate significant cognitive impairment. You can assess:

  • Temporal orientation
  • Mental control
  • Clock drawing
  • Memory
  • Inhibitory control
  • Verbal productivity

Also available are classification tables that translate total scores into Average, Low, Moderately low, and Very low.

3 subtests retained with modifications:

Logical Memory

Although the stories remain the same as seen in WMS–III UK for ages 16–69 years old, the repetition trial for Story B has been dropped to increase the consistency with previous editions. For the older age range of 65–90 years old, a new story was developed with content more relevant. The story is shorter and repeated once to enable adequate floor through age 90. You can obtain immediate versus delay and recognition versus delay contrast scores.

Verbal Paired Associates

It now includes a combination of difficult and easy items. For the younger age group (16–69 years) there are 14 items of which 10 are hard. For the older age group (65–90 years), there are 10 items of which six are hard. Delayed Free Recall Trial has been added while Recognition Trial has increased its level of difficulty. You can obtain immediate versus delay and recognition versus delay contrast scores.

Visual Reproduction

While following the same structure and format as seen in WMS–III UK, there have been a few changes to the subtest. Recognition Trial has been shortened and scoring has been improved. Based on Munro Cullum’s research, scoring is easier and faster than previously experienced and emphasizes recall with less focus on drawing accuracy. You can obtain immediate versus delay and recognition versus delay contrast scores.

8 subtests were eliminated: Information & Orientation Spatial Span Mental Control Faces Digit Span Family Pictures Letter Number Word List (CVLT–II can be entered into Index)

Sample Reports

Scores are now derived for Older Adult Battery (65–90) and Adult Battery (16–69). Index scores include: Auditory Memory, Visual Memory, Visual Working Memory, Immediate Memory, and Delayed Memory. New contrast scores provide information on clinical significance of changes in scores across subtests or indexes.


Wechsler Memory Scale - 4th UK Ed WMS-IV Complete Kit

CODE: 9780749169183

Admin Manual, Stimulus Books 1 and 2, Adult Battery Record Forms (25), older Adult Battery Record Forms (25), Response Booklets (25), memory grid, Scoring Template in envelope, designs and spatial addition cards, WAIS-IV/WMS-IV Online Training and WMS-IV US Technical Manual in a trolley Backpack

€1593.27 Excl.VAT


WMS-IV UK Adult battery record forms, 25pk

CODE: 9780749150341

€150.65 Excl.VAT

WMS-IV UK older adult battery record forms, 25pk

CODE: 9780749150358

€116.42 Excl.VAT

WMS-IV UK response booklet, 25pk

CODE: 9780749150396

€84.85 Excl.VAT

WMS-IV UK Admin and scoring manual

CODE: 9780749150310

€239.23 Excl.VAT

WMS-IV UK stimulus book 1

CODE: 9780749150327

€82.32 Excl.VAT

Pearson Product qualification levels

Qualification Level A
(Prior to November 2021, this was known as Qualification Level CL3)

There are no special qualifications to purchase these products.

Qualification Level B
(Prior to November 2021, these levels were combined and known as Qualification Level CL2/CL2R)

Tests may be purchased by individuals with:

A master’s degree in psychology, education, speech language therapy, occupational therapy, social work, counselling, or in a field closely related to the intended use of the assessment, and formal training in the ethical administration, scoring, and interpretation of clinical assessments.


Certification by or full active membership in a professional organisation (such as RCOT, RCSLT, BMA, RCN, RCPsych, SASC) that requires training and experience in the relevant area of assessment.


A degree or licence to practice in the healthcare or allied healthcare field.


Formal, supervised mental health, speech/language, occupational therapy, social work, counselling, and/or educational training specific to assessing children, or in infant and child development, and formal training in the ethical administration, scoring, and interpretation of clinical assessments.


Work for an accredited institution

Qualification Level C
(Prior to November 2021, this was known as Qualification Level CL1)

Tests with a C qualification require a high–level of expertise in test interpretation, and can be purchased by individuals with:

A doctorate degree in psychology, education, or a closely related field with formal training in the ethical administration, scoring, and interpretation of clinical assessments related to the intended use of the assessment.


Licensure or certification to practice in a field related to the purchase.


Certification by or full active membership in a professional organisation (such as BPS, ACP–UK, AEP, BNS) that requires training and experience in the relevant area of assessment.

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