The Irish Adaptation of the Handwriting Speed Test, 2nd edition – Adopted from the Australian Handwriting Speed Test (HST) by Wallen Bonney & Lenox, 1996
The Irish Adaptation of the Handwriting Speed test (IA) HST,
2nd edition is standardised and norm referenced on 1224 students from 3rd class
(Primary) to 6th Year (Second level) in randomly selected schools throughout the Republic of Ireland. This test may be administered to individuals or whole classes.
The (IA) HST 2 provides objective standards which can be used by therapists, teachers,
paediatricians and psychologists to:
- Evaluate an individual student’s speed of handwriting
- Determine the need for special allowances for individual students for examinations
- Evaluate the effect of the intervention on handwriting
- Screen a class of students for handwriting difficulties
- Conduct research into handwriting difficulties and intervention efficacy
The IAHST–2 takes about 10–15 minutes to administer and score, depending on the age of the child being assessed. It may be used with a wide range of students including those with cerebral palsy, spina bifida,
arthritis, head injury, learning difficulties and specific handwriting difficulties. The materials in the IAHST–2 pack include a Manual which includes full administration, scoring and interpretive information as well as a CD which contains printable test forms.